JSME 日本金融学会2022年秋季大会

Program Day 2 - November. 27 (Sun.)

President's Speech 11:00~11:45

Sinichi Fukuda (Tokyo University)

Invited Lecture Ⅱ 13:10~14:00

Ryuzo Miyao(Kobe University)

Climate change and finance

Mr. Masayoshi Amamiya (Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan)

Symposium 14:30~16:40

Theme: The Future of Alternative Data: Possibilities and Challenges

Kenya Fujiwara (Kobe University)

Purpose of the symposium

Presenter: Masashi Tsujinaka (Nowcast, Inc.)

Presenter: Toshio Taki(Money Forward, Inc.)

Presenter: Teppei Nagano (Bank of Japan)

Presenter: Masayori Shoji (Japan Alternative Data Accelerator Association)

Discussant: Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
